Alhaji Ibrahim Egungbohun (IBD Dende): A Beacon of Hope and Generosity

|IBD Dende Story |

In the heart of Ogun State, where the sun kisses the lush green fields, there exists a man whose name resonates with honor, resilience, and compassion. Alhaji Ibrahim Egungbohun, affectionately known as IBD Dende, is a multifaceted personality whose life story transcends mere labels. Today, we stand united as the Ogun State Scholars Union to refute the baseless accusations against this remarkable individual.

Recently, whispers have circulated, casting shadows upon IBD Dende’s character. Accusations of smuggling and illegal arms trade have stained his reputation. But let us delve beyond the surface, into the depths of truth, to reveal the essence of this extraordinary man.

IBD Dende wears his entrepreneurial spirit like a badge of honor. As a licensed customs agent (clearing and forwarding), he has contributed significantly to Ogun State’s and of course Nigeria’s economy. His ventures have not only created jobs but also fostered international trade relations. The very fabric of our community bears the imprint of his tireless efforts.

Step into the opulent lobby of the “Dende Oasis,” and you’ll witness IBD Dende’s vision come to life. His hotel stands as a testament to luxury, comfort, and warm hospitality. But beyond the marble floors and plush furnishings lies a deeper purpose: to provide a haven for weary travelers and a hub for cultural exchange.

The earth trembles under the weight of IBD Dende’s quarries. His commitment to sustainable mining practices ensures that our country’s infrastructure thrives without compromising the environment. Roads, bridges, and buildings owe their existence, in part, to the sweat and determination of this quarry magnate.

Amidst the rustling palm fronds, IBD Dende cultivates life. His palm oil and palm kernel farms yield not only sustenance but also hope. The golden oil that graces our tables is a testament to his dedication. But it doesn’t end there. He shares his knowledge with local farmers, empowering them to thrive alongside him.

Beyond the headlines, beyond the accusations, lies IBD Dende’s greatest legacy; Education. His heart beats for the children of Yewaland. With unwavering commitment, he sponsors countless young minds, ensuring they tread the path of knowledge. Scholarships, textbooks, and other essential school needs. These are not mere transactions; they are investments in humanity’s future.

But there’s more to IBD Dende than meets the eye. His love for sporting activities, especially football, is second to none. As the proud owner of Juvenile FC, he has nurtured raw talent into stars. These players now grace football fields across the continent, their dreams fueled by IBD Dende’s unwavering support. From dusty village grounds to international stadiums, his legacy echoes in every goal scored, every victory celebrated.

As the sun sets over Ogun State, let us remember IBD Dende not as a mere mortal but as a beacon of hope. His hands have built bridges, his heart has nurtured dreams, and his soul has woven the fabric of our collective destiny. To accuse him unjustly is to dim the light that guides us forward.

So, let us stand together, Ogun State Scholars Union, and declare with unwavering conviction: Alhaji Ibrahim Egungbohun (IBD Dende) is not a smuggler or an arms dealer. He is a law abiding citizen, a guardian of progress, a custodian of dreams, and a friend to every child who dares to dream beyond their circumstances.

May his legacy echo through the corridors of time, inspiring generations yet unborn.

Victoria A.A.
For The Convener
Ogun State Scholars Union

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